Thursday, May 10, 2007

Elias's favorite hobby (aside from weener-holding...more on that at another time), is "food checking". This is basically...after you have eaten, you walk around and peer intently into everyone else's bowls or plates to see what they have...then pass judgement on it (and if safe to do so...sample some). Funny one was when DH was eating some leftover stew and Eli walked up...observed then said "Daddy you eating POO-POO"...but I digress.

Today Eli finishes his PB & J and Goldfish and wanders over carrying the juicebag o the day...he peers into my bowl and says " like those POTSTICKERS, Mamma?"...umm...yeah I am eating potstickers...but how the HECK does he know what they are? It's not like we eat them often...I bought some for me but rarely eat them becuase the cabbage makes the house reek. Today I had a craving so I ate some...yet here's Eli master Chef knowing what they are. TV? the Internet? LMAO...who knows. do it well.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

A toothy tale

My daughter 5. She got her teeth early and lost them early too. Both front's were gone right when Kindergarten started. One made an appearance and only just now has the other broken thru. I can hardly recall what she looks like with teeth in front!

I cried when she lost her first tooth...I admit it. She was about to go with G-ma to preschool and it had been loose...but I didn't truly think what it the bigger scheme of things. She said "ouch!' then held it out to me...tiny, pearly, perfect...I started sobbing.

How could this happen? Where's my baby girl? She's going to be growing boobs and liking boys and giggling and getting that 'angst' stuff...IT'S OVER! I couldn't take it. My Mom took her off to school and I cleaned up that tooth and cried the entire morning.

I'm better now...she's growing up...but she's still, just 5. She still believes most of what I say is true, and still watches Dora and Diego...albeit with a condescending air. Coltish and awkward as she is now, gap toothed and knock kneed...she's a wee thing. A girl still...and I'm trying to ignore the signs I see of the young woman and just enjoy the little girl while I can!