The last game was last night...rescheduled from Monday (rain out) only 7 boys showed up....the hardcore gamers...the real men. The ones that knew the game needed them, and they needed the game. Well...actually the only one's who's parents brought them but really...the former sounds so much cooler doesn't it?
They assembled and Coach made a mock up batting jersey ...hey it worked! The Bears came to play today, folks...NO ONE went without a hit, most connected within an actual 3 swing/strike time frame. MOST hit it beyond the pitchers position. They ran the bases like they knew where they were going...there were SMILES on every pouting, no crying, no tantrums. They were just glad to be playing baseball again. The weather was a cool mid 70's and the boys were flushed with excitement instead of heat was A GAME FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS. all great games, it ended. 3 innings...1 hour...and some very happy little boys. They had their juice bags and then, came the accolades...the rewards for a hard season spent learning to be real "baseball players". THE TROPHIES!
One by one they stepped forward...gripping those little golden men like the class acts they were...holding them up and shouting and laughing...some breaking into spontaneous was grand. And if in the audience a few of the parents had a glint of tears in their eyes...who could blame them? For really...what brings home the essence of watching these soon to be men...revelling in their youth, and their achievements?
Now..I bring you the photos...the last reminders of a season well spent, and a boy who took a major step towards being a man...well, at least a boy less likely to cry when he misses a ball in the field...ENJOY!
Pre game warmups...

STANDING up in the recommended, Eli...
Now you're standing good...but you also have to WATCH THE BATTER...

Waiting to bat, and itchy!...the bench was about ankle deep in water so we used the grass...

You have to be coachable...

Because it pays off! also have to run to first...RUN...

A boy and his trophy (he was chanting "I won...I won" the whole time folks)

The pics here are MUCH removed from their original can click the link below to view them in a bigger size and nicer quality!