Friday, December 18, 2009

After the fire

Unfortunately not talking about a great

My son, my 6 year old son, set a fire tonight in our home...first off everyone is fine...thank the diety of your choice!

The origin would be a candle "I" left foolishy burning in the bathroom to banish a horrendous poop stench...Elias said he was going to go pee...did so...emerged and went back to watching the playroom TV, the rest of us were watching a movie out in the living room.

SOMETHING made me get off the couch and head to the hallway...I don't recall smelling anything BEFORE getting up but maybe it was subconcious who knows?

Anywhoo I got up and went into the hallway and smelled BURNING...thinking at first "oh the candle...someone blew it out" I glanced at the door which was closed and saw a telltale orangey glow UNDER the door. OH.MAI.GAWD.I flung the door open (yeah I saw Backdraft and that was dumb...I confess my stupidity....knob wasn't hot tho) and there was a line of flame from the trashcan...up to a towel hanging over it...onto the wall directly under that...and going up to the window over that...LIVELY flames...eye popping really...just didn't expect that on a nice quiet Friday night...

I shot outta the hallway yelling at hubs to CALL 9-1-1 NOW....repeating when he asked why, FIRE IN THE BATHROOM CALL IT NNNNOW!...and I hustled up the kids, Lily FREAKED OUT...I mean she was staring down the hallway at that flaming towel with these eyes like saucers...OUTSIDE...NOW!! I yelled and she shot outside like a cannonball.

ELIASSSSSS!!! out he comes from the playroom....OUTSIDE NOW!!Meanwhile hubs is IN THE BATHROOM watering the flames down...we waited on the FD which showed up in okay time...hubs had the flames gone but it was making that "crackling" know a warning "I am not dead, only sleeping" sound...FD made sure it was well and truly, dead before leaving.

I went outside and opened the car and put the kids in there, couple of the firemen walked by and checked on us a couple times...

I proceeded to grill my son...and got it from him...he put a tissue in the burned and he got scared and threw it in the trashcan. In his mind, that was reason to tell me, he didn't get burned. No big. To him. Yeah...I wanted to choke him briefly...I really did. I thought of him doing that and going up like fatback bacon as an ember caught his shirt...horrendous. More horrendous is it was my fault...that candle was there because I put it there. Lesson learned...never again. Not with an impulse control challenged ADHD kid in the house.All candles went in the trash tonight. Seriously.

Elias and Lily are both in bed...Lily seems better once she was able to talk to us...and graphically describe what she saw and ask questions about it and rationalize it. My Mom came when I called her (much love) and took them to her house...but later because E was crying, saying he wanted to go home, and sad and that's out of character for him...we went and picked them up after we cleaned up.

I think Elias was crying @ my Mom's, because he was worried his home would still burn or be gone, or maybe he thought because I was mad, and the FD guys talked to him and everyone seemed so mad...then he got sent away...maybe he would have to stay gone. So we brought him home...

Feeling a lot of different things right now. The "low" after the adrenaline rush of panic, fear, action, duty, etc.Bless the hubs for jumping in there and putting it out before it could eat more of the wall or get really out of hand...he is braver than I give him credit for.

I am drinking Sangria...LOTS of it...tonight. Anyone care to join me?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Toofless Tuesday

Elias lost a tooth back on...what was it...Friday? That kid has only lost 2 now...taking his sweet time. lol.

He got his Tooth Fairy dolla's so he was happy. Not that he cares about money...but you know, he still likes getting it. :o)

This week is their last of school before the winter break..sigh...2+ WEEKS of them in my hair counting down the days, hours, minutes and SECONDS before "the day". Most shopping is done for them, just the OK people left...oh and my sisters....should get to that at some point.

We were wracking our brains, hubs and I about what the "big gift" would be for them this year...sometimes we do 1 for both or 1 each...something major...the "oooooh ahhhh" from Santa, gift ya know?

Going round and round and not really coming up with something that felt like "IT" then we hit on one...just hand us our Redneck Cards people...

A trampoline...yep. Complete with enclosure (safety first!)...our yard in back in plenty big enough and there's NOTHING for them to do out there...and they go ballistic with joy anytime they get to go on their Grandpa's in we figured their lil' punkin heads would 'splode on this one.

Hubs is getting off early Xmas eve so we're sending the two off with Auntie and we'll toil to Raise the Titanic in one night lol. All accounts online make it seem relatively simple, but we'll see. The idea is to erect it...then keep all the windows closed and once it gets dark we won't have to worry since our yard is super black at night. In the morning as they're looking in vain for what "Santa left" for them...we casually open the big, picture window in the kitched to reveal...DUN DUN DUN!! The brain bouncer, complete with big, red bow!!

Lol...I have been grinning evilly all week with the secret knowledge...teehee.
Hope everyone passes their week happily! :o)