Hey all. Not much to report since the last blog BUT I did want to share something about Lily,
She is headed out to the Texas Rangers game tonight with a little girl from school. This is BIG news for her because it's the first time she's done something with a friends "sans parental units". So needless to say she is very excited and nervous too I think.
I admit I am worried...I have such a hard time allowing space for them sometimes. Remnants of some pretty serious trust issues. I can count on one hand...the number of people I trust with my kids. Something to work on...cautiously LOL!
I am spending today presentifying the house so they won't be assaulted by dog hair when they walk in LMAO, 'tis the season. Or by cat stink...yeah we got that too thanks to Flopsy and crew! But all will be well. I've met the gal's pop before at a school function and he seemed very nice...if a bit conservative.
Let's hope Lily keeps the bare chest comments to herself tonight folks! (she's been noticing boys and men without shirts and clucking her tongue or saying PUT ON A SHIRT...SHEESH!). I had a talk with her about not everyone being as silly as we are as a family and trying her best to respect their rules and still enjoy herself at the game.
I need to get outside and blow out this DOG of mine, no sense vacuuming like I did if she is still dropping it like it's hot! Have a GREAT Friday all. Busy weekend so I mighn't see you's til Monday!