Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How many acronyms...

Can we stick onto Elias? LOL.
Hmm...I might add another soon...
"LD", learning disability. Most likely...aside from the other two issues his doc suggested, after a discussion about his eye doctor visit today...that his lack of connecting what he SEES...to what he WRITES, or SAYS...is probably a Learning Disability of some type.

I can ge behind that because now that the Concerta has removed a lot of the distraction for the boy, he STILL has trouble writing especially copying...something already printed on his own, and staying within the confines of his lines or paper. Let alone making legible letters or all the same size letters.

I read a bit on "dysgraphia" and boy that does seem to be a possible. It seems there a lot that can be done for it, and he will be able to eventually learn how to make the most of what he can do, in spite of it. Which I already knew...I wouldn't let it be any other way!

So now after Xmas break I am going to grab hold of the school again and make sure they have done some LD testing in addition to the other stuff for ADHD and Aspergers and are adding that into any IEP that comes about. Mustn't let them get away too long without being called to the carpet to report! TEEHEE!!

Christmas nearly upon us I can reflect on what a bumpy end of the year it's been...but I am certainly more educated and invested in my kids, both of them as a result. I feel like I've grown as a parent and as a wife too. So that makes the bumps a lot easier to manage!

Merry Christmas all! I am saying that in case I don't get to the blog again til afterwards! :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

After the fire

Unfortunately not talking about a great album...lol.

My son, my 6 year old son, set a fire tonight in our home...first off everyone is fine...thank the diety of your choice!

The origin would be a candle "I" left foolishy burning in the bathroom to banish a horrendous poop stench...Elias said he was going to go pee...did so...emerged and went back to watching the playroom TV, the rest of us were watching a movie out in the living room.

SOMETHING made me get off the couch and head to the hallway...I don't recall smelling anything BEFORE getting up but maybe it was subconcious who knows?

Anywhoo I got up and went into the hallway and smelled BURNING...thinking at first "oh the candle...someone blew it out" I glanced at the door which was closed and saw a telltale orangey glow UNDER the door. OH.MAI.GAWD.I flung the door open (yeah I saw Backdraft and that was dumb...I confess my stupidity....knob wasn't hot tho) and there was a line of flame from the trashcan...up to a towel hanging over it...onto the wall directly under that...and going up to the window over that...LIVELY flames...eye popping really...just didn't expect that on a nice quiet Friday night...

I shot outta the hallway yelling at hubs to CALL 9-1-1 NOW....repeating when he asked why, FIRE IN THE BATHROOM CALL IT NNNNOW!...and I hustled up the kids, Lily FREAKED OUT...I mean she was staring down the hallway at that flaming towel with these eyes like saucers...OUTSIDE...NOW!! I yelled and she shot outside like a cannonball.

ELIASSSSSS!!! out he comes from the playroom....OUTSIDE NOW!!Meanwhile hubs is IN THE BATHROOM watering the flames down...we waited on the FD which showed up in okay time...hubs had the flames gone but it was making that "crackling" sound...you know a warning "I am not dead, only sleeping" sound...FD made sure it was well and truly, dead before leaving.

I went outside and opened the car and put the kids in there, couple of the firemen walked by and checked on us a couple times...

I proceeded to grill my son...and got it from him...he put a tissue in the candle...it burned and he got scared and threw it in the trashcan. In his mind, that was it....no reason to tell me, he didn't get burned. No big. To him. Yeah...I wanted to choke him briefly...I really did. I thought of him doing that and going up like fatback bacon as an ember caught his shirt...horrendous. More horrendous is it was my fault...that candle was there because I put it there. Lesson learned...never again. Not with an impulse control challenged ADHD kid in the house.All candles went in the trash tonight. Seriously.

Elias and Lily are both in bed...Lily seems better once she was able to talk to us...and graphically describe what she saw and ask questions about it and rationalize it. My Mom came when I called her (much love) and took them to her house...but later because E was crying, saying he wanted to go home, and sad and that's out of character for him...we went and picked them up after we cleaned up.

I think Elias was crying @ my Mom's, because he was worried his home would still burn or be gone, or maybe he thought because I was mad, and the FD guys talked to him and everyone seemed so mad...then he got sent away...maybe he would have to stay gone. So we brought him home...

Feeling a lot of different things right now. The "low" after the adrenaline rush of panic, fear, action, duty, etc.Bless the hubs for jumping in there and putting it out before it could eat more of the wall or get really out of hand...he is braver than I give him credit for.

I am drinking Sangria...LOTS of it...tonight. Anyone care to join me?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Toofless Tuesday

Elias lost a tooth back on...what was it...Friday? That kid has only lost 2 now...taking his sweet time. lol.

He got his Tooth Fairy dolla's so he was happy. Not that he cares about money...but you know, he still likes getting it. :o)

This week is their last of school before the winter break..sigh...2+ WEEKS of them in my hair counting down the days, hours, minutes and SECONDS before "the day". Most shopping is done for them, just the OK people left...oh and my sisters....should get to that at some point.

We were wracking our brains, hubs and I about what the "big gift" would be for them this year...sometimes we do 1 for both or 1 each...something major...the "oooooh ahhhh" from Santa, gift ya know?

Going round and round and not really coming up with something that felt like "IT" then we hit on one...just hand us our Redneck Cards people...

A trampoline...yep. Complete with enclosure (safety first!)...our yard in back in plenty big enough and there's NOTHING for them to do out there...and they go ballistic with joy anytime they get to go on their Grandpa's in OK...so we figured their lil' punkin heads would 'splode on this one.

Hubs is getting off early Xmas eve so we're sending the two off with Auntie and we'll toil to Raise the Titanic in one night lol. All accounts online make it seem relatively simple, but we'll see. The idea is to erect it...then keep all the windows closed and once it gets dark we won't have to worry since our yard is super black at night. In the morning as they're looking in vain for what "Santa left" for them...we casually open the big, picture window in the kitched to reveal...DUN DUN DUN!! The brain bouncer, complete with big, red bow!!

Lol...I have been grinning evilly all week with the secret knowledge...teehee.
Hope everyone passes their week happily! :o)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Coq on a Wednesday

Wow that sounds kinda wrong...jes how I like it!

Today I COOKED. Like seriously. I got a Coq au vin recipe online and did the do. It's in the crockpot.

Humorous hightlights?

When I realized the whole chicken I bought needed to be in PIECES...lmao. Chicken and I had a come-ta-Jesus about that, then Mr Cleaver (and I do NOT mean Ward ladies n germs...) had the last word. It was a bit like a murder scene in my kitchen for a bit...but it is good for working out any issues one has...hacking into a lifeless semi frozen body. MWAH HA HA!! *evil grin*

Another? When I realized my heretofore useful and hardy corkscrew was BROKEN. Mind racing for a way to pull the cork. I mean the screw part went in but the counter leverage thingy was just flat busted. No can do pulling a cork with mere force of will. You know who saved the frickin day again? MR CLEAVER! That guy is awesome! I wrapped the bottle then hacked thru the neck. Nice clean break....strained the wine thru my strainer to make extra sure I don't serve any shardage...dare I laugh evilly yet again...I dare...MWAH HA HA!!

Mr Cleaver and I got to know each other really well today...long over due. I mean I have had it for yeaaaaaars and never used it. His edge was still keen and ready for the kill. Lucky!!

Now last night wasn not great as far as Mr and Mrs goes...we needed to talk and we did but I still feel a bit like things are "off" on some level...needs to get that sorted. One shouldn't let things fester and abcess.

Elias brought home a project last night that floored us both. It looked like another child had done it. Cutting? done almost perfectly and on the lines Coloring? multiple colors in areas that made sense, details covered, in the lines Gluing? done fabulously...things were in a nice arrangement and the three lil pigs were looking fine. PROGRESS!! EXULTANT ULULATION COMMENCE!! well, maybe that's the wine there...but anyhow...it was really beautiful and I will keep it always.

I had him do his 5x each spelling on his own the other night and it was also, amazingly improved. Letters of a size, all in a row...ON THE LINE. You guys, that's a major major deal....he worked steadily until he was done...even when I offered a break. Good gawd!

Coming down of the pill is still an issue...but might always be for him. He rages out a bit lol....but last night the hubs had had enough and sent him to his room where he proceeded to smack the door..oh HELL no!! Hubs quite brilliantly suggested as allow the puppy to deal with that..lol. So we did...we opened the door....dodged the shrapnel and shoved in the pup LMAO. Willing sacrifice people....

Raging Elias upon the door opening..."WHAT ARE YOU DOING OPENING MY DOOR...I AM MAD AND I DON'T..." upon seeing the puppy "Hi RC! You wanna play on my bed??" both emerged shortly and if Elias had a tail he'd have been wagging it, fo' sho...

Miraculous healing...Benny Hinn got nothing on RC. Lemme tell ya so!

Reckon I've rabbited on long enough today. Lord I hope that dish comes out okay and that everyone likes it. I doubt the kids will...but hey there's always hot dogs right?? ;o)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Report Card Day

Double blog kinda day!!!

The news is....suprisingly...good~! :)

Lily is just plain kickin' ass and takin names....seriously she came to school to chew bubblegum and kick ass and she MUST be outta bubblegum!! One "B" and it's an 87 kinda B...not any penny-ante 81 kinda "B"...lol. The rest? A's....and a couple ONE HUNDRED'S...sheesh. How do people even DO, that??? Being a strictly "C/D" kinda gal I am impressed and a bit mystified. Must be the hub's genes. Lmao.

Elias. I dunno what I expected...a lot of "4"s (Unable to do at this time)...but there's only TWO. A lot of 1's (Most of the time/consistently)...ONE 3 (with teacher assistance). Truly...I am really suprised and I feel kinda bad about that. I have heard so often lately that my son is not as smart or as focused or as capable of learning....that I started to believe it. I kick myself now many times lol. He is getting it...or his teacher is a bald-faced liar...hmm. Let's go with the first one!

He DID get N's in the behavior areas I expected, following directions, participating in groups, works neatly, self discipline, but hey...we have time to work on those right?

The main thing is that he does not seem to be as "behind" as I thought...of course the entire rest of the class could have all 1's for all I know...but...I am going to be happy about this and build on it...

A double blog kinda day finds me smiling and happy, I shopped today...spent money on beautiful things, FOR ME! And my kids got nice report cards...life is good!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday was great

yesterday, Eli had what was probably his best day in a long time...

It started when I went to pick him up...no warnings...always great! Then on the way home he was really telling me about his day, unusual but so welcome. Not having to yank info out of a lil' clam is refreshing!

We got home and he was so...THERE. Polite...please and thank you...WHO IS THIS BOY? I almost think they worked on manners at school that day? He said he did not have homework then later remembered he had math to finish (cringe)...but you know what? He KNEW what he needed to do on his math and got his abacus out HIMSELF and I pretty much just sat there and watched him work...his numbers were clear and looked like his sister wrote them! I really was speechless. I guess the OT maybe has copped hold of him at school??

He asked to go to the Book Fair in such a sweet manner I could not say no. When hubs got home and we were getting ready to head down I laid out "the rules" and he said YES, M'AM. You know I was looking askance at him...again, wondering where my obstroperous lil' man went this evening?

At the Book Fair. He couldn't recall the book he wanted (it was yellow and a chapter book) but instead of flipping out...he simply said "I think I'll get a different book...this Phineas & Ferb book." Switching off a want to something else is NOT something he normally can do easily. Then, when I pointed out that he probably couldn't read the words but I'd read it to him he said so nicely "I can look at the pictures too...I like this book" (Eli hardly EVER says what he likes or doesn't and if you ask him it's "a lot of things" or "everything", just to end the convo).

We went to the cafeteria for a while so they could look over their purchases...Lily got a way cool book on critters, of course! They sat at the tables and Eli was very focused on his book pretending to read it (well looking for words he knew so really reading) proudly telling us when he'd "finished a chapter" lol! There were kids running around in there, playing this and that game.

Lily would wander off from time to time when she saw a classmate or friend (she is GOOD at this, I envy ehr I truly do) and he'd tag along behind her, she'd pat his head and roll her eyes when she intro'd him to her friends, very cute. He got onto the stage in front of the drawn curtain and kinda danced around like a goof up there...lol.

THEN...THEN ladies n gentleman it happened. A small boy he'd greeted as "Jrealnameleftoffintentionally" at the entrance came over and had a "special rock" he was showing off. We told him to show it to Eli and he basically accosted E who was trying to withdraw and showed him...they moved off a ways while Eli was trying to get over the fact that this boy was TALKING to him...then the boy came back over to us and we all looked at his rock interestedly. At that point Eli came back...and looked and the boy said "Let's play..." and Eli WENT with the boy as he tossed his little rock around and they tried to get to it first...

They were a ways down the cafeteria when I saw Eli stop and say something to the boy and other lil girl who was tagging along (she seemed very interested in Eli, must know him)..and then Eli ran off to count. He had actually suggested they play hide and seek! I mean this is SO such a big...no HUGE deal. Eli NEVER actually suggests anything to other kids and always looks a bit uncomfortable and pained when in their company. But he was smiling ear to ear...and just galomphing all OVER the place playing hide n seek. The game grew as more kids joined in and he kept smiling. The little gal actually told Eli once when he was about to go count "No! I am gonna count"...and he just let it go and went and hid with the rest! HUGE HUGE DEAL PEOPLE.

He was on the "edge" of being able to go up and speak to a child all night...you could SEE him struggling with his want to do so...and his anxiety & inability to do so...it was really so hard to watch. He even came over and asked US to play hide n seek before all this...and when we said no, he should ask a kid...he asked Lily lol. Who declined in favor of giggling with a friend...he WANTED to ask them....he just couldn't. He'd follow at a distance and kinda try out his "frolic" when they weren't looking...copying their actions...but when that boy came over and broke the ice HE JUMPED IN!!

whoo hoo!! It might've just been for that night...but it was beautiful and I hope he sees now that he CAN play with others...they DO like him because he is likeable...and he CAN suggest and lead even a tiny bit...I am so incredibly proud of him...I truly am. :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Middlin' Monday

Dare one say so far so good? Lily and Elias are both snot factories BUT...no fever or overly scary symptoms of "you know what" so they're off to school.

Blustery cool morning and day today is on tap to balance out the just scary good weather we've had. Indian Summer? heck it was more like just plain ole Summer...you know the good part before it gets to where you wanna strangle the sun?

Today I have an I feel, much needed and welcome appt with the very nice therapist who helped us out with my other sis's healing this past Summer. I have many things to get off my chest and many things I want to ask about how I can cope better with the Eli thing...so here's to a good head-shrinking!

This weekend was busy...but not frenetic. We drove Manny (now Polo BTW) to his new people. A longish drive, but short by Tx standards at a mere 2.5 hrs. Not too much in the way of traffic, the kids behaved like road trip champs (like they are!) and the ride back was even more enjoyable.

D had a wonderful idea this weekend for Elias and his meltdowns...which BTW have become a lot less common of late (good sign I think?)...we apparently need to catch them BEFORE they reach MACH 5...and to that end D found some CandyLand cards in red and green and because verbal things tend to push him over the edge when he is teetering...we just hold up the GREEN one and he knows that means "settle down or the red card comes next". The RED card means "to your room to cool down...and we'll be in to talk".

Green card came out once and the red not at ALL this weekend I don't think. He really seems grateful to have some sort of non verbal cue to help him know when that edge is getting too close. He spent a lot more time voluntarily with us in the main room this weekend, more engaged with us...more apt to speak and conversate in a pretty normal kid way. I feel another small triumph. :) Not jumping around just yet tho because that seems to court disaster lol.

Lily had a fun project this weekend..."disguising" a Turkey (paper cut out) to hide him from Thanksgiving LOL. She went to Grandma's and decorated him up with Xmas stuff! lol...it looked SO cute! Little mini light embellishments around his fan tail and a Santa Hat on complete with jingle bell. That's an A+ project if ever I've seen one :) Thanks Grandma!

I guess I've rabbited on enough for now...this weekend was good...I hope everyone else's was as well!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Steps forward, steps back...

we've been trying some new things as far as how we deal when Eli's impulsivity causes issues at school.

Yesterday we picked him up early for a Ped appt and he'd flooded the bathroom that day...sigh. He was upset and his teach sent him a paper to write an apology to the janitor on (good idea I think)...

I decided to try the technique the psych taught us and said we'd not talk about now, but we would later and we'd all be calm about it.

Well we did the appt (which was pretty stressful since he got a blood test, bless our Ped for being so thorough..she wants to rule out ANYTHING else that could be causing lack of focus or impluse control) and came home...and relaxed a minute or two then had the talk...

He started to get worked up like he does, and both of us pointed out that WE were not upset we only wanted to talk about what happened so we could understand...We went step by step...leading him by saying first you went into the bathroom, alone? or with a buddy? got our answers and went from there.

We got the whole story out (with remarkably little stress), and we asked HIM what might work better next time, and how he could do things differently to get a better outcome...and he seemed really receptive to that. We made some step by step very simple rules for the bathroom at school....go in, pee, pull up pants, wash hands, leave...NOTHING ELSE.

I sent these steps to his teach to get her on board...hopefully she will do so and help us help him.

It could have been a screaming fit where he sat alone in his room to "think about what he'd done" and just a month ago that is what it would have been. But I think this was so much better for his self esteem...and gets him involved in the process of behaving well and offering his own thoughts on that...

When he asks one of his myriad questions (he does this a lot when he is bored or anxious) we ask him what HE thinks instead and at first he was taken aback and said "I don't know..." but now he offers his thoughts which are very often..spot on.

It can work, I know it can...we are making progress even tho there are certainly steps back...

As an aside, on the Pediatrician visit. We knew she'd be conservative and she was but also so sweet and supportive and genuinely worried and almost sad that Eli got the diagnosis he did...she was kinda feeling what we did I think. Hadn't had as much time to work thru it. But she ordered the blood test as a first step and suggested that Concerta is one she has Rx'd and seen good results with. The next appt (next week) will likely be the one we get a scrip at. Kind of scary but we need to explore this avenue and see if help can be offered.

It's good to know tho, because of what occured with the bathroom incident that we CAN talk to him and get thru, using those techniques...and that is comforting.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Almost mid week

Yesterday's meeting with the doc went well. A lot of information was shared and I asked all my questions as did D, and my Mom even came with to ask the questions she had an offer support. We got one book in the mail already and are waiting on some others...T was so nice and bought some for us to look thru. Her way of helping us out I think, she can be so sweet sometimes.

Today E went in for his eye appt, new doc...he did tweak his scrip just a bit, but not enough really that we'd hope his troubles with writing and such to just go "poof!" oh well, I suppose that was unlikely. So we'll pick new specs out tomorrow after his physical and medication appt with Dr Bishop...

I am interested to see what she'll have to say about our wee man, and the meds we're considering. Hopefully we can find something that will have minimal side effects and help him focus and make things a bit easier for him.

PK's pick up went smoothly...she seemed very nice and her daughter is going to be over the moon with her new puppy, PK is going to be living on a nice farm in Virginia...sounds good to me, can I go to? LOL...

Still working things out logistically with Manny but he should find his people this weekend sometime. Then it's just 3 dogs...seems like not enough LOL.

The holidays are coming up way too fast for me...Thanksgiving is a mere 2 weeks and 2 days away. HOW CAN THAT BE??

oh, it be!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

School Daze

Okay so "the report" is now in the hands of the school and all the folks who need it, have it. I spoke just briefly with the diagnostician and VP about it, we arranged to meet again w/ the Pysch for the school present and She Who Must Be Obeyed, on Friday next.

Apparently the wheels of school beauracracy grind slow so this is doubtless the first of many as we inch our way forward to actually helping Elias...*sheesh*.

I am glad outside of the school we can move forwards at a quicker pace. Doc final meeting Mon., Eye specialist Tues. then from there finding the person who will guide us thru the medication maze....intimidating but maybe a ray of hope for a more focused young man.

As a sad but interesting aside Elias came home and told me he had a sub because his Teacher's husband died. That is incredibly sad...he said his Teacher was crying. : ( In spite of our rocky start my heart goes out to her...I cannot even imagine losing my best friend, I hope she can heal. Elias seemed untouched but that would be because of the Asperger's...I did tell him it was a sad event, his Teacher was probably sad...and he maybe could bring her some nice flowers or something when she returns to school.