Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday, Final

Final is what this whole thing with Elias and school is. At least for the next 12 months. The ARD was today and at the end of it? A totally acceptable and indeed, comprehensive and impressive...IEP. A roadmap with visible markers, leading to his academic future. Guides to help ease him on his way, and concrete finite goals the school will be held to helping him attain.

The Holy Grail of parenting a special needs kids I am IEP...and now my boy has one.

Since that comment by Elias's teacher all those months ago, this road has been very bumpy and jarring in places, and I am glad to be at the end of it. Even more glad because thanks to those jars and bumps...the NEXT time we tread down the same path as a family (and we will) we will have the shock absorber called "experience" feel me?

I am proud of all of us...everyone in this family pulled for Eli including Elias himself...submitting to test after test, doctor's visits, fearsome events for a six year old...but he did it. We as a family unit are stronger than we've ever been...closer it feels, and more able to deal with bad stuff that may occur.

I have to admit I do feel a bit of personal pride that comes from the fearsome Mama Bear stuff that happened with me, hoping I'll be allowed that with no crash and burn to bring me back down. That's me, always wary and watching for the other shoe to, not drop...kick me in the arse.

Positive, be's that work again?

Before I get too far into downerville I will end this, happy and grinning, feeling accomplished for I've seen something thru.

Funny, that is on our whiteboard in the's our "Thought of the Week": FOLLOW THROUGH.

I think, I have :o)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday Meeting

Today was the meeting to go over the school Psych's findings on Master Elias. Young Master Elias is not getting a recommendation for an IEP relating to an Autism disorder...which actually, is fine with me and I agree with, and he IS getting one for his ADHD/ADD which I also agree with.

We went over their Autism related testing, done with a panel of 4 adults with various credentials and reading what went on, had me interested and impressed. Eli has apparently made a LOT of progress and after some (appropriate given he is a 6 y/o boy taken to a room with 4 adults he did not know at all in it) apprehension he proceeded to interact with the testers, talk with them, laugh with them and look them in the eye. he completed all but a couple tasks and did them in a "non disordered" manner. That is good news as I see it.

Now I am not saying or believing my son does NOT have some sort of small difficulty likely to be some spectrum issue...BUT I agree with the school that those minor difficulties are NOT the reason his schooling is tough right now. That is ALL the ADHD and attention based stuff...well, most of it.

Likely some Learning Disorder too, which the will also be keeping a close watch on. I made it clear that under NO circumstance do I want to be late to the party on that score. My son WILL be checked on, often and ANY LD like issues will be dealt with promptly. There simply is not a crack out there with his name on it..for him to fall into, as far as we are concerned.

I think that was made very clear by us...

The formal ARD meeting where the plan for his education for the next 12 months is going to be presented, will be on Friday and I will certainly have my thoughts on that then for you to peruse LOL.

I feel in a better place now to deal with this, largely due to the man next to me during this meeting. Hubs has been such a rock thru this once I realized it's okay to lean on him and not handle all this weirdness on my own. Why I thought that necessary to begin with is...lame. Work in progress, folks!

I am looking forward to Friday.

Did I mention my daughter brought home STRAIGHT A'S?? I am sure I did lol...but there it is again. She is such a nice breather from all this. NO everything is not easy for her...she struggles and pushes our buttons, too sometimes...but her bright nimble mind is a good reprieve, and I enjoy so much watching her blossom into a very intelligent and confident young lady who knows her stuff and has set goals for herself.

Both my kids are so very different but they love each other so completely and without reservation is it a great comfort to me. They support one another and help one another when it counts...minor squabbles aside. They are a great example of how people should ALWAYS treat one another...with love, with fun, with joy, even thru disagreements and outright always come back to common ground and rebuild your love.

Happy Monday, all!